It is time for the annual painting competition at the Windroos! Shake your paints, sharpen your brushes and pick your coolest miniature to join the competition!
You can register your entry from today until October 3rd. The winners will be announced at the store at 18:00 on October 17th. From October 8th until October 17th, everyone is able to vote on their favourite entries.
This year we have three categories to join: Single Model, Monster and Duel.
Each category will have one winner. Participants can enter one miniature per category.
Entries cannot be taller than 170mm and the bases cannot be bigger than 150mm by 150mm.
Single model: Single model entries are just one model (skeleton, space marine, Ogor etc.)
Monster: Monsters are all models that are bigger than Ogors.
Duel: Duel are two models of roughly equal power on a base of max 150mm x 150mm.
The rules:
- Entries must be produced by Games Workshop, but you are allowed to use bits from third parties.
- Entries cannot be taller than 170mm.
- Entries must be presented on a base of max 150mm x 150mm.
- Prizes consist of a €60,- Windroos gift voucher for the winner of each category. Prizes are not redeemable for cash.
- Entries that are considered to be discriminatory or inappropriate will not be eligible to enter.
The Windroos reserves the right to deny entries that do not comply with these rules.
As always, points are allocated for the following criteria:
– Colour use
– Painting skill
– Conversion work
– Atmosphere
– Votes from patrons
To enter or if you have any questions, please ask our staff or contact the Windroos